Intel 4004” was the first commercially introduced microprocessor in the market in 1970 and the most widely used model was “Intel 8080” released in 1974 that has made a revolutionary change in almost every processing segment. In competition mainframe and minicomputer manufacturers had launched proprietary IC development programs to upgrade their architecture and came up with adversely compatible instruction set with their older hardware and software. CPU has become the synonym for microprocessors as it is vastly popularized with personal computers. Previously numerous small integrated circuits (ICs) used on one or more circuit boards on the other hand microprocessor introduced small CPUs with a much smaller number of ICs that can be combined in a single processing chip. However, the size, construction, and general form of CPUs have changed drastically since 1950 but the basic shape & function has remained unchanged. Intel And Ryzen Processor Best Price in Sylhet at Unique Computer
Intel Core i3-2120 2nd Gen Processor
Intel Original price was: ৳ 3,500.00.৳ 3,000.00Current price is: ৳ 3,000.00. -
Intel Pentium Gold G6405 Coffee Lake Processor
Components Original price was: ৳ 7,500.00.৳ 6,800.00Current price is: ৳ 6,800.00. -
AMD Athlon 3000G Processor with Radeon Graphics
Components Original price was: ৳ 7,600.00.৳ 7,000.00Current price is: ৳ 7,000.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i3 10100 Processor (Tray)
Processor Original price was: ৳ 11,500.00.৳ 10,500.00Current price is: ৳ 10,500.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i3 10100F Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 11,000.00.৳ 10,500.00Current price is: ৳ 10,500.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i3 10100 Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 11,500.00.৳ 11,000.00Current price is: ৳ 11,000.00. -
Intel Core i3 10105 10th Gen Comet Lake Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 12,000.00.৳ 11,200.00Current price is: ৳ 11,200.00. -
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 14,000.00.৳ 12,600.00Current price is: ৳ 12,600.00. -
AMD Ryzen 3 3100 Desktop Processor With Wraith Stealth Cooling Solution
Components Original price was: ৳ 14,500.00.৳ 13,200.00Current price is: ৳ 13,200.00. -
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G Processor with Radeon Graphics
Processor Original price was: ৳ 17,000.00.৳ 13,650.00Current price is: ৳ 13,650.00. -
AMD Ryzen 3 3200G Processor with Radeon RX Vega 8 Graphics (Tray)
Components Original price was: ৳ 15,100.00.৳ 14,500.00Current price is: ৳ 14,500.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i5-10400F Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 15,700.00.৳ 14,800.00Current price is: ৳ 14,800.00. -
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor
Components Original price was: ৳ 16,000.00.৳ 15,000.00Current price is: ৳ 15,000.00. -
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Processor
Components Original price was: ৳ 16,000.00.৳ 15,000.00Current price is: ৳ 15,000.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i5-10400 Processor (Tray)
Processor Original price was: ৳ 16,500.00.৳ 15,000.00Current price is: ৳ 15,000.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i5-10400 Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 16,300.00.৳ 15,300.00Current price is: ৳ 15,300.00. -
Intel 10th Gen Core i5-10500 Processor
Processor Original price was: ৳ 19,500.00.৳ 18,000.00Current price is: ৳ 18,000.00.